Public Charter School Alliance of South Carolina

Membership Opportunities

Join the Public Charter School Alliance with Your School Membership

Progressing charter school impact together. That’s the vision behind joining the Public Charter School Alliance of South Carolina (PCSASC). Connect with a compassionate community to amplify access, enrollment, resources, and influence for your charter. Collaboratively reinvent staff training, streamline compliance, attract talent and build your brand. Access the hard-won insights of experienced peers navigating similar opportunities. Enjoy discounts and tools simplifying operations. Align leadership priorities through governance development and strategic initiatives. Support students by integrating field-wide best practices. And through shared stories, we raise the national reputation of SC charters while speaking at the State House with one united voice. No school is an island when it comes to driving outcomes in a complex policy environment. By participating in something bigger than ourselves, we uplift all charter missions. Join the PCSASC and realize the potential of South Carolina charter innovation.

Charter Alliance Membership: Fostering Community, Providing Support, Imparting Knowledge

Community Building

  • Leadership Roundtables
  • Peer Networking & Idea Exchange
  • Shared Solutions Across Schools
  • United Voice on Policy Issues

Operational Support

  • On-Demand Help Desk: HR, Legal, Reporting, Safety
  • Custom Elections, Manuals, Recruiting
  • Software System Access
  • Group Purchasing Discounts

Training + Insights

  • Essential Compliance Video Modules
  • Monthly Webinar Updates
  • Annual Conference Content
  • Governance & Leadership Programs
  • Trend Analysis & Best Practices

School Membership Dues:

The Public Charter School Alliance of South Carolina membership dues continue to be some of the lowest in the country. School dues are $6 per student for brick-and-mortar and $4.30 for virtual charter schools. Enrollment is calculated based on the 45-day count reported to the South Carolina Department of Education from the previous school year.

How Savings Add Up

  • Legal services protecting schools cost $5,000+ yearly for charter-specific video training and on-demand guidance
  • Mandatory employee safety and compliance courses run $250 per staff member
  • Board support, job distribution platforms, back-office software access provide thousands in value
  • Group purchasing discounts on utilities, services, and supplies generate additional savings
  • Event admission and sponsored training slots offer hundreds per person
  • Grant opportunities bring in thousands more

Free Membership While Earning Your Charter

Applying for a charter? The Public Charter School Alliance of South Carolina (PCSASC) offers free founding membership so schools can immediately benefit from our support, community, and cost savings. This allows charter teams building their school access to:
  • Our statewide policy advocacy and influence
  • Resources on application best practices
  • Assistance securing facilities and leaders
  • Advice navigating regulations and statutes
  • Connections with charter legal expertise
  • Eligibility for startup grant opportunities
  • Discounts from charter-friendly vendors
PCSASC partners with schools throughout the entire application and approval process to set your charter up for success on day one.
Join for free and let’s realize your vision together!

Here to help

If we can be of any additional help, contact us!  We look forward to hearing from you!