Public Charter School Alliance of South Carolina

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Charter Schools USA


Charter Schools USA is one of the oldest, largest, and fastest-growing education management companies in the United States. Recently, AdvancEd awarded CSUSA the first Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) district accreditation for an education management company. We successfully manage high performing schools from pre-Kindergarten through grade 12. We assist corporations, government entities, developers, and nonprofit agencies with all phases of school design, planning, development, financing, construction, operations, and curricula. We’ve also been instrumental in pushing forward legislative processes that have furthered education reform to help all students gain a high quality education. While we are proud of our awards, we believe our greatest accomplishments are gaining a 95% plus satisfaction rate from parents and achieving a district “B” academic average from the Department of Education. At Charter Schools USA, we always put students first in every decision we make. That philosophy, along with a certified and dedicated staff has placed Charter Schools USA as a leader in education management nationally.

Contact Information

Contact Name
Susan Gibson

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